Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Teapots in a Box!

In this video, I took a single frame from the live video and composited a transparent water effect on top of the box in the image.  In this class, we used the Camera Matching utility in 3dsMax to overlay a model of the box on top of the box in the photo.  Then applied the Mental Ray matte shadow reflection material the sides of the box to mask only the visible inside of the box.

Here's the live video.

And, here is a summary of the steps for making the above water effect.

In the next couple of weeks we will complete a full video matchmove of the above transparent water effect in a box.  In the live video, the camera approaches someone holding a large box.  As the person opens the box, the camera pans downward into the box.  

In the next step we will attempt the full matchmove, and maybe replace the teapots with something a little more 'alive'!  So, stay tuned!

Cement Teapots!

In the last 2 classes we have been focusing more on learning how to do camera matching and compositing animations onto a still images.  Here is a camera matched composite of a 'cement teapot' onto a still image of a street scene.  The top photo is the original.  The bottom contains the composited teapot and shadow effects.

(Photo credit:  me!)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Floating Teapots!

We have been studing ways to simulate water effects for compositing into live video.  Here are some results from the last 2 classes.  These are reflection only (no transparent water) effects.

Friday, July 20, 2012


The new video special effects class starts soon!  In this 6 week session we will learn now to add smoke and fire particle effects to live video.   I will post some examples and more details about the class over the next couple of weeks.  So please check back later.


Here is the class advertisement that appears in the Fall 2012 issue of "Duluth Life" (the quarterly advertisement for classes hosted by Duluth Parks and Recreation).

Create Movie Special Effects
Learn how to create your own movie special effects using Autodesk 3DS Max software.   A 30-day demo software version will be provided for free.   No experience required.  Please bring your own laptop.  This is a free class.   The class meets each Thursday from 6-8PM at Bunten Park in Duluth Georgia.  The class lasts for 6 weeks starting the week of Nov 8.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Hey guys,
I took the scene file that I sent to you yesterday.  And, I applied my own materials to the various objects in the scene.  I changed the framed picture in the scene to one that I like better.  Somehow, having the Umbrella Corp. symbol on my wall seems more 'homey' :-) Here's my finished render.
[Credits:  As I mentioned before, I downloaded this free scene file and the tutorial from here:   We are using this in our class to practice applying our own architectural materials for the Mental Ray renderer.]

Click here to download the zip of my finished 3DS Max file of this scene.  If you haven't started yet, feel free to start with this one if you want and just change the various materials that I created.  Keep working on your final render so you can show it off in our next class.  I'll bring a photo printer so that you can print your finished rendering.


Friday, July 9, 2010


Hi Everybody,

In our class yesterday, we reviewed how to make several kinds of materials and textures in 3D Studio Max.  And we reviewed some basic techniques for  applying them to your 3D models.

    •  Using the “UVW Map” modifier to adjust the size and 
        position of a texture JPG on a model.  
    •  Using the “Multi/Sub-object” material type to apply two 
        materials to the same object.  
    •  Using “Bump-maps” to give a 3D bumpiness to a model’s 

In yesterday’s class we also looked at a tutorial that I downloaded from here:

We’re going to use the free download scene file from that tutorial to practice our material-making skills!   I downloaded the interior room scene file that goes with that tutorial and passed it out to you in class.   Since it uses the “Vray” renderer, I told you that I would convert it to the “Mental Ray” renderer that we are using in class and send you an email link to download it. So, here it is!   Click this link to download my zip file that contains the converted 3D Studio Max file:

Basically, all that I did was replace all the materials with the standard off-white color material and swap out the Vray lights for mental ray lights.  So, everything has a plain off-white material applied to it.  When you render the scene file “minterior_convert2mr_02.max”, it will look  like this:

So, this week, try creating materials for each object using all the techniques we learned in the last class.  All the texture (JPEG) files that you need are in the “textures” direction in the zip file.  And, you can follow the tutorial for making some of the textures too.   I made a PDF copy of the tutorial that is also in the zip file.  When you’re done making all the materials in the scene, your scene will render something like this:

See what you can do.  Feel free to pick your own colors/textures and replace furniture models.  I’ll send another email this week as I also work through this tutorial.  Next week I’ll show you how to adjust the window sunlight, how to tweak the interior lighting, and how to get the exterior window view that’s shown in the above picture.  See you next week!



In one of our previous classes, we practiced using various modeling techniques to make furniture and lamps for our interior scene.  And, we looked at various ways to make lighting for lamps and exterior sunlight for our interior scene.  Here are some renders that we did in class.